

Name of the Department: Marathi

Year of Establishment:1984

Cource  Offered: B. A.

Pattern of Teaching Learning and Evaluation:

Annual Semester Credit System


About the Department

                                            The department of Marathi is one of the important Department  of college Marathi is the main language of Maharashtra. It is the regional language and the state language. is used Education, Administration and  in practical life .  Marathi is used in all fields. The department runs the course  in Marathi at undergraduate level. Apart from the academics, the faculty from the department constantly keeps motivating students for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The teacher from the department is  very keen on developing the overall personality of the students and therefore keep them engaged in various activities run by the department.  The faculty from the department is research oriented. Mr.D.T.Jadhav, Head of the department, he  has  registered himself for Ph D in S.P University Pune ,Maharashtra  and has published several articles in International Peer Reviewed journals. he is the one who looks after Srimati Vimalaben Khimji Tejukaya University Level Essay Writing Capitation.  He is the important faculty of the college who organized   many activities of the college.

Vision of the Department

Our vision is to bring inspiration and innovation to every student   that walks through this institution. Regional Traditions, customs, folk life should be introduced to the students. In order to inculcate moral values ​​and social values ​​in them, their values ​​should be positive and their attitude should be positive. Increase comprehension, awareness of life, cultural heritage and folk life of Maharashtra. And Create opportunity to employment, job, administrative skills.

Mission Statement of the Department

“Through the  Marathi literature Inspires to create a better society and a useful citizen of the country by developing the personality of the students from within.

  • To develop personality through the study of literature.
  • To preserve and explain human culture and values ​​on the basis of literature.
  • Introducing the basics of Marathi language.
  • To increase the knowledge of writing and comprehension of Marathi language
  • Enabling students to enjoy, taste and evaluate literature.
  • Preserving ideological curiosity through the introduction of linguistic skills
  • To build mental, cultural and emotional capacity of students by raising their awareness on the basis of literature.
  • Creating a positive outlook for the student to look at the overall life around him. .
  • Expose the students to contemporary media in the language

Bachelor of Arts in Marathi

  • Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO)
  • Literature courses of  Marathi   provides an opportunity to study & implement national best literature of all state  along with its history, Social, Cultural & political background.
  • Literature provides imaginative & critical insights into all areas of human life.
  • The blend of Marathi language courses helps students to understand the language necessities through literature.
  • Select literary pieces help students understand the moral stories in life
  • The subject knowledge helps not only for the professional life but also in their personal life
  • It develops intellectual, personal & professional abilities through effective communicative skills
  • It shapes students as socially responsible/ citizens.


Programme Specific Outcomes

  • Students will be able to analyze critical frameworks the linguistic, cultural & historical background of texts written in Marathi as well as Students will be able to use  accurate Grammar in both oral & written communication.
  • Students will be familiar with the convention of diverse textual genres including all the forms of literature.

Course Outcomes

  • Literature – To  aware with the master- pieces of literature along with their socio- political, history & cultural aspects of life.
  • Language – To trace out the origin  of Marathi -language & varied components of syntax  structure of the language.
  • Grammar- To know the  Marathi  grammar including part of speech, types of sentences, its analysis etc.
  • Knowing about Marathi authors   – To learn the native Marathi literature with its literary, socio-cultural   biographical & regional  background of the greatest Marathi  Writers .
  • Translation – Knowing  about  translations  & communication .