

Name of the Department: English

Year of Establishment:1984

Programs Offered: B A in English

Pattern of Teaching Learning and Evaluation: 

Annual Semester Credit System/NEP


About the Department

 The department of English is one of the leading departments of the college. The department runs the Programme in English at undergraduate level. Apart from the academics, the faculty from the department constantly keeps motivating students for co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. The teachers from the department are very keen on developing the overall personality of the students and therefore keep them engaged in various activities run by the department. Remedial teaching classes are conducted for the weaker students to make the class homogeneous. To start M A in English is one of the future plans of the department.

Hundred percent of the faculty from the department is research oriented. Dr. Swati Singh, Head of the department, has completed her research leading towards Ph. D. and has published several articles in International Peer Reviewed journals. She is the one who looks after A Three Month Course, Dr. M R Jaykar Employability Programme, run by the university. She specializes in Soft Skills Development, therefore, majority of the students from the college are guided and trained by her in Personality Development as well as preparation for entry in the Armed forces. Dr. Kiran Rakibe has also completed his research work and currently he is an approved Research Guide for Ph. D course.  He has presented many papers in national and international seminars/conferences. He is working on the editorial board of five international journals. There are two books to his credit as an editor. Dr. Kiran Rakibe is also known as a creative writer and his poetry appears amongst publications of other renowned poets of the world. He approved counselor of IGNOU and YCMOU, two of the leading Open Universities. He has specialized study of NAAC to his credit and is regularly invited as resource person for guiding on NAAC by other colleges. Dr. Kiran Rakibe is the recipient of Rajashri Shahu Maharaj National Teacher Award for his contribution to the teaching field. The SPPU, Pune has awarded him with Best-Coordinator- 2020 Award, for his contribution in e-content Development. Mr. Milind Thakare, the third faculty of the department has also registered himself for Ph D and published several research papers in reputed International Journals. He is the steering faculty of the college who takes many of the college activities beyond the campus. He is an NSS officer of the Unit of the College and truly engages himself in ISR.

Vision of the Department

Our vision is to bring inspiration and innovation to every student that walks through this institution. We are blessed with the opportunity to touch lives of thousands of students from a myriad of backgrounds, urban and rural, privileged and underprivileged. We want our students, regardless of their background, to be comfortably able to speak, read, write and think in fluent English.
This would enable them to conduct themselves in a professional environment like that of interviews, Institutes of higher education and even represent the country internationally.

Mission Statement of the Department

 Developing Communication Skills in English of the students from vernacular background and turning it into homogeneous class


  • Teach students the history of English Literature
  • students to think critically and analyze important events in history and therefore better understand the corresponding literature
  • Promote soft skill development in conjunction to knowledge of the language which will prepare them for meaningful professions following graduation.
  • To better our own knowledge of the changing trends in literature to remain up to speed with information and amplify the same.
  • Expose the students to contemporary media in the language

Bachelor of Arts in English


PO’s, PSO’s & CO’s


PO-1. Students will be able to learn the basics of English language.

PO-2. It will help develop linguistic skills in students. PO-3. Skill sets in the course will make students confident and employable.

PO-4. Students will become proficient in interactions, conversations and professional dialogues.

PO-5. Students will be introduced to complementary disciplines.

PO-6. Students will get exposure to practical/real life situations.

PO-7. It will help to enhance their awareness about shared national heritage.

PO-8. Students studying pieces of literature will develop more humane and broad approach towards others.

PO-9. Exposure to skills and values that are important in the present contexts will develop confidence in students.

PO-10. It will help develop sense of responsibility and commitment to excellence in students.


PSO-1. Communication Skills: Students will be able to understand and explain their experiences and events around them.

PSO-2. Research Aptitude: Students will develop basic linguistic skills necessary for research.

PSO-3. Analytical Skills: Students will learn to evaluate and assess the authenticity and credibility of source materials.

PSO-4. Professional Development: Students will have career opportunities in many corporate and public organizations.

PSO-5. Critical Thinking: Students will learn the importance of raising questions and finding answers. PSO 6. Human Values and ethics: Students will understand the importance human values.

PSO-7. Problem Solving: Students will learn to accept challenges, assess the complexities and find solutions.

PSO-8. Policy Analysis: Students will learn post facto implications and consequences of policies. PSO9. Disciplinary knowledge: Students will know the basics of English language, its building blocks like vocabulary, reading, writing, comprehension.

PSO-10. Linguistic Abilities- Students will learn to appreciate the linguistic skills and use them for their benefit and for the benefit of the society.

FYBA DSE-1 Optional English

Course Outcomes: (CO’s)

  1. Students learn the basics of English language
  2. Students become confident and proficient in the use of English in real life situations
  3. Students relies the beauties of literature as linguistic construction and learn less and values of life 4. Students acquire necessary skills that make them competent and employable
  4. Students learn the significance of human values

OE/GE: Mass Communication

Course Outcomes:

  1. Students get enough exposure to the basics of mass communication
  2. Students become familiar with the importance of mass communication in the present global contexts
  3. Students acquire necessary skill sets of mass communication
  4. Students becomes familiar with and capable of good mass communication
  5. Students become effective communicators

SEC – Soft Skills

Course Outcomes:

  1. Students are introduced to the significance and basics of soft skills
  2. Students acquire soft skills necessary in real life situations
  3. Students know the theory of soft skills and their practical importance through exercise
  4. Students learn many different soft skills
  5. Students become confident and competent through soft skills

AEC- Developing Communicative Competence in English  

Course Outcomes:

  1. Students understand the importance of communication and the consequent competence required for it.
  2. Students learn the basics of communication
  3. Students acquire the necessary skills components of communication
  4. Students become confident about communication through rigorous exercise
  5. Students become competent in communication 6. Students realize that literary pieces are very good examples of effective communication.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO) 

  • Literature courses of English provides an opportunity to study & implement world best literature of all countries along with its history, Social, Cultural & political background.
  • Literature provides imaginative & critical insights into all areas of human life.
  • The blend of English language courses helps students to understand the language niceties through literature
  • Select literary pieces help students understand the moral stories in life
  • The subject knowledge helps not only for the professional life but also in their personal life
  • It develops intellectual, personal & professional abilities through effective communicative skills
  • It shapes students as socially responsible/ citizens.

Course Outcomes

SYBA Compulsory English (Core Course-CC)

  • To acquaint Students to the universal human values through best pieces of literature in English
  • To introduce students to the best examples of literature in English
  • To develop effective communication skills
  • To enhance employability of the students
  • To sustain interest about English Language
  • To boost students’ vocabulary

SYBA General English II (Skill Enhancement Course-SEC-1A)

   Title of the Paper: Advanced Study of English Language 

  • To familiarize students with the various components of language
  • To develop overall linguistic competence of the students.
  • To introduce students to some advanced areas of language study
  • To prepare students to go for detailed study and understanding of language
  • To prepare students to go for detailed study and understanding of language

SYBA Special English I (Discipline Specific Course (DSC-1A)

Title of the Paper: Appreciating Drama

  • To introduce Drama as a major form of literature
  • To introduce minor forms of Drama
  • To acquaint students with the elements and the types of Drama
  • To encourage students to read original plays
  • To develop interest among the students to appreciate drama

SYBA Special English II (Discipline Specific Course (DSC-2A)

Title of the Paper: Appreciating Poetry

  • To acquaint students with the terminology in poetry
  • To encourage students to make a detailed study of various forms of poetry
  • To enhance students’ awareness in the aesthetics of poetry
  • To make students understand about how to enjoy poetry
  • To make students able to read aloud poem