[caption id="attachment_19933" align="alignnone" width="300"] एस. व्ही. के. टी. महाविद्यालय छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराज यांच्या जयंती निमित्त उपस्थित प्रमुख वक्ते प्रा. जावेद शेख व मान्यवर - २०२५[/caption]
College has celebrated Samajdin to give tribute to the Karmveers of the society on 19th Aug 2024.
Independence Day -2024
College celebrated Independence Day
M.Sc. Exam Form Started
M.Sc. Exam Form Started 2023 Pattern last date 26 August 2024
Formal Visit of Vice Chancellor ,SPPU To The…
Respected Vice Chancellor Dr. Gosavi has visited the college and addressed the staff members regarding New Education Policy -2020.
Late Vasantrao Naik Jayanti -2024
College has celebrated Late Vasant Rao Naik Birth Anniversary by felicitating 12 women farmers from the vicinity of college.
Plastic Ban Rally-2024
College NSS Unit has conducted an awareness rally in the vicinity of college to ban use of plastic.
International Yoga Day -2024
[caption id="attachment_19078" align="alignnone" width="300"] Celebrated International Yoga Day[/caption]