//Botany Profile

Botany Profile

Department of Botany established in 1984 

About the Department

 Department of botany established in the year 1984 and running academic programs at UG level. There is one well equipped laboratory in the department. The department is enriched with learning resources such as charts, slides, herbarium and modern facilities like computers, internet and LCD. These resources help the students in independent learning.

The Department teaching faculty is actively involved in research in various fields of Botany, which include angiosperm taxonomy, Phycology, Mycology, Plant Physiology, Plant Biotechnology and Ecology. Head of the Department, Dr. Sanjay A. Khairnar has a 22 yrs. Teaching experience and contributing to the Department as a teaching and research.  He has published about 10 research papers in reputed National & International Journals and completed one minor research project on Plant resources. Dr. Shivaji B. Andhale is experts in their respective fields of research and teaching, and their contributions are evident through their 26 research publications in reputed National and international journals. Dr. Vaibhavi P. Patil is experts in their respective fields and published about 7 research paper in National and International Journals. Prof. Aditya B. Bhagat is expert in their respective field and published 2 Research Paper in International Journals.

  • To develop interest among the students towards the subject and provide skillful youth resource for conservation and to conduct various awareness programmes.
  • To offer wide and relevant education to the students with a view of shaping their scientific temperament, environmental awareness and to uplift the students capable of facing challenges in life efficiently and carve their own future.
  • To Impart quality education in the fields of Botany to make the students acquire an in-depth knowledge relevant to local, regional and national needs.
  • To provide well trained careers and inculcate the concept of conservation of biodiversity.

 Bachelor of Science in Botany

Program outcome:

  1. The student will be able to identify major groups of plants and compare the characteristics of lower (e.g. algae and fungi) and higher (angiosperms and gymnosperms) plants.
  2. The students will be able to explain various plant processes and functions, metabolism, concepts of gene, genome and how organism’s function is influenced at the cell, tissue and organ level.

3.Students will be able to understand adaptation, development and behaviour of different forms of life.

  1. Students will be able to demonstrate the experimental techniques and methods of their area of specialization in Botany.
  2. The student completing the course is able to identify various life forms of plants.
  3. The students will be able to use modern Botanical techniques and decent equipment’s.

7.The students will be able to demonstrate the knowledge in understanding research and addressing practical problems. An increased understanding of fundamental concepts and their applications of scientific principles is expected at the end of this course.

Programme Specific Outcomes (PSO):

After successful completion of three-year degree program in Botany a student is able to;

  1. Students acquire fundamental Botanical knowledge through theory and practical’s.
  2. To explain basis plant of life, morphology, reproduction and their survival in nature.
  3. Helped to understand role of living and fossil plants in our life.
  4. Understand good laboratory practices and safety.
  5. Students acquired knowledge through practical work in fields as well as in laboratory.
  6. To create awareness about conservation and sustainable utilization of biodiversity.
  7. To know advance techniques in plant sciences like molecular, genetic, Phytoremediation, tissue culture, formulation of new herbal drugs, plant disease control, etc.
  8. Students able to start nursery, horticultural practices and seed production.

Course outcome (CO):

Class– F. Y. B. Sc. (CBCS Pattern) Semester-I:

PAPER-I BO-111: Plant life and utilization I

On completion of the course, students are able to;

  1. Understand difference between Higher cryptogams and Lower cryptogams.
  2. Know the systematic, morphology and structure, of Algae. Understand the life cycle pattern of Algae.
  1. Know the various types of lichen.
  2. Understand general characters, reproduction of Fungi.
  3. Understand the morphological diversity of Bryophytes.
  4. Understand the economic importance of the Bryophytes.

Paper-II BO 112 Plant morphology and Anatomy

On completion of the course, students are able to:

  1. Know the concept of methodology in taxonomy.
  2. Know the various parts of flowers.
  3. Understand the types of fruits.

BO 113 Practical based on BO 111 & BO 112

Students should understand;

  1. Study of life cycle of Spirogyra, Agaricus and Riccia.
  2. Study of Lichens and its types.
  3. Practical knowledge of mushroom cultivation
  4. Structure of monocot and dicot.


Paper-I BO-121: Plant life and Utilization-II

On completion of the course, students are able to;

  1. Know the evolutionary trends and affinities of living gymnosperms with respect to external and internal features
  2. Know the economic importance of the gymnosperm and angiosperms.

Paper- II BO 122 Principles of plant science

On completion of the course, students are able to;

  1. Understand the process of translocation of solutes in plants.
  2. Understand the factors affecting growth of plants.
  3. Know the cell cycle process in plants.
  4. Learn the Structure and types of DNA and RNA.

BO 123: Practical’s based on BO 121

On completion of the course, students are able to;

  1. Demonstrate structure of Dicotyledonous and Monocotyledonous plants
  2. Observe characteristic features of prokaryotic and eukaryotic plant cell.
  3. preparation of slides using onion root tips.
  4. Study about chlorophyll-a and chlorophyll-b. 

Class- S. Y. B. Sc. (CBCS Pattern) Semester-III

Paper- I BO 231: Taxonomy of Angiosperms and Plant Ecology

On completion of the course, students are able to;

  1. Trace the history of development of systems of classification emphasizing angiospermic taxa.
  2. Understand various rules, principles and recommendations of plant nomenclature produces in plant identification.
  3. Learn and understand about interdisciplinary approach of ecology.
  4. Understand ecological grouping of the plants.

Paper- II BO 232: Plant Physiology

On completion of the course, students are able to;

  1. Understand the process of translocation of solutes in plants
  2. Know the nitrogen metabolism and its importance.
  3. Know about phytohormones and vernalization in plants.

BO 233: Practical based on BO 231 & BO 232

On completion of the course, students are able to;

  1. Know the morphological and reproductive characters of plant family.
  2. Study about ecological adaptations in Hydrophytes and Xerophytes.
  3. Demonstration of various instruments.

Semester IV:

Paper- I BO 241: Plant Anatomy and Embryology

On completion of the course, students are able to;

  1. Know Epidermal tissue system and Mechanical tissue system.
  2. Understand the Microsporangium and male gametophyte.
  3. Understand the Megasporangium and female gametophyte.

Paper- II BO 242: Plant Biotechnology

On completion of the course, students are able to:

  1. Understand the principle and basic protocols for Plant Tissue Culture.
  2. Know about the Genetic Engineering.
  3. Know about the biofuel technology.

BO 243: Practical based on BO 241 & BO 242

On completion of the course, students are able to:

  1. Practical knowledge of various tissue.
  2. Study the preparation of permanent slide.
  3. Understand the Preparation & sterilization of MS medium.
  4. Study about transgenic crops.

Class– T. Y. B. Sc. (2021 CBCS Pattern ) 

Course outcome:

T.Y.B.Sc. Botany


(Semester- V)





BO: 351 Cryptogamic Botany (Algae & Fungi) • Know the salient features of Cryptogams plants.

•Become aware of the status of cryptogams as a group in plant kingdom.

•Understand the life cycles of selected genera.

•Learn about the economic and ecological importance of Cryptogams plants.

BO:352 Archegoniate •Introduction of Archegoniate general character.

•Range of thallus organization origin of bryophytes

•Study of life cycle of bryophytes.

•Study of life cycle of Pteridophytes.

•Ecological & Economic importance of Pteridophytes.

BO:353 Spermatophyta and Palaeoboatny


• Understand the diversity of angiosperms.

• Understand the comparative account among the families of angiosperms.

• Know the economic importance of the angiosperm plants.

• Understand the distinguishing features of angiosperm families

• Understand Gymnosperms with respect to distinguishing characters, comparison with Angiosperms, economic importance and classification.

• Understand the life cycles of Pinus and Gnetum.

BO: 354 

Plant Ecology

• Know the scope and importance of the discipline.

• Understand plant communities and ecological adaptations in plants.

• Learn about conservation of biodiversity, Nonconventional Energy and Pollution.

• Discover botanical regions of India and vegetation types of Maharashtra.

• To study the Ecological Impact Assessment, Ecological management and Remote sensing.

BO: 355 Cell & Molecular Biology


• Gain knowledge about Cell morphology

• To study different cell organelles in plant body

• Learn the scope and importance of molecular biology.

• Understand the biochemical nature of nucleic acids, their role in living systems, experimental evidences to prove DNA as a genetic material.

• Understand the process of synthesis of proteins and role of genetic code in polypeptide formation.

BO: 356 Genetics • Introduction to genetics concept and its application.

• To study the Mendelian laws

• To understand Multiple alleles, Linkage recombination & crossing over.

•To gain knowledge about Mutation

To study the Numerical alteration of chromosome

& Structural alteration of chromosome.

BO: 357: Practical based on BO:351 and BO:352 •Study of Algae with respect to systematic position, thallus structure and reproduction.

•Study of Fungi respect to systematic position, thallus structure and reproduction.

•Study of Marchantia, Anthoceros and funaria with respect to systematic position, morphology of thallus.

•Study of sporophyte evolution in Bryophytes with help of permanent slides.

•Study of Selaginella, Psilotum, Equisetum with respect to taxonomic position, Morphology of sporophyte, anatomy reproductive structures.

•Study of Stelar evolution in pteridophytes with the help of permanent slides.

BO:358 Practical based on BO:353 and BO:354 •Study of following families with reference to systematic position, Diagnostic characters, floral formula, floral diagram.

•Preparation of botanical keys: Indented and Bracketed keys by using vegetative and reproductive characters.

•Study of Internal and External morphology of Gnetum and Pinus.

•Study of Polluted water body with ref. To BOD.

•Study of physiochemical properties of water body by using sacchi disc,PH meter and electric conductive meter.

•Acquisition of ecological data of particular locality by using GPS /altimeter /geographical maps etc.

•Study of suitable ecosystem by line /belt transects method.


BO359: Practical based on BO355 and BO356 To study the following practicals:

•Cytological techniques –preparation of fixatives preparation of stains.

•Isolation of nuclei and characterization.

•Study of various stages of mitosis and meosis .

•Induction of C metaphase in suitable plant material

•Study of chromosome Morphology.

•Isolation of plant genomic DNA by suitable method

•Estimation of plant DNA by DPA method Extraction and estimation of RNA by orcinol method.

•Preparation of salivary gland chromosomes in chironomous larvae.

•Genetic problem on gene mapping using three-point test cross data.

•Study of structural heterozygotes in Rhoeo.

•Problem on quantitative inheritance.

•Problem on multiple alleles.



BO3510: Medicinal Botany •To acquired knowedge about Medicinal plants & its scope and importance.

•To study the different Ayurveda concept e.g.  Tridosha

•To create awareness among students for the conservation of endangered and endemic medicinal plants species.

• to learn concept of Ethnobotany and folk medicine.


BO3511: Plant diversity and Human health •To study the concept of Plant diversity, scope & its types

•To study the Loss of biodiversity

•To understand the Management of plant biodiversity

•To learn about Conservation of biodiversity

•To gain knowledge about Role of plant in relation to Human Welfare importance of forestry their utilization and commercial aspect.

•To discuss about Avenue trees, ornamental plants of India. Alcoholic beverages through ages. fruits and nuts.

T.Y.B.Sc. Botany (Semister -Vl) BO361: Plant Physiology and Metabolism


• Acquire knowledge on the physiological functions of plant.

• To become knowledgeable in plant growth regulators and its physiological role.

• Students will able to gain knowledge on role of micronutrients, role of essential nutrients, transport of ions across cell membrane.

• Students will be able to understand the various physiological life processes in plant

• Learn about the Mechanism of Photosynthesis, Light reaction and dark reaction.

• Understand the types of Respiration, mechanism of aerobic respiration.

• Acquire knowledge on Stomatal Biology, Translocation in phloem, and composition of phloem sap.


BO362: Biochemistry • Understand the Origin of cell by Miller & Urey Expt. Functional groups of bio molecule in cell.

• They will learn about the Physical properties of Water.

• Understand the Structure, classification, properties & function of Amino acids, Carbohydrate, Vitamin.

• Understand lipid metabolism & commercial application.

• Understand the Nature of Enzymes, Classification, & properties of enzyme.


BO 363: Plant Pathology
• To Know the terminologies in plant pathology.

Understand the scope and importance of Plant Pathology.

• To Know the prevention and control measures of plant diseases and its effect on economy of crops.

• To learn about Macroscopic and microscopic study, koch’s poschulates and types of culture media.

• To acquire knowledge on Fungal plant diseases and Bacterial plant diseases.

• Understand the Mycoplasma Nematodal and plant diseases with reference causal organism symptoms disease management.

• To study the how to identify Viral & Non parasitic diseases plant diseases with reference to causal organism & symptoms.

BO 364: Evolution of population genetics • To understand the Historical account of origin of life,Origin of earth Vs origin of life. prebiotic Evolution, primordial soup, Oparin’s coacervative model, Early life and RNA and origin of genetic code.

•To understand the concept of evolution, theories of evolution, pre Darwinean period.

They will learn about Evolution through ages fossil and fossilization,Dating of fossils .

•To acquire Knowledge on Population genetics and Evolution.

•Understand the speciation and isolating mechanisms, Morphological criteria for species and races, allopatric and sympatric populations, Isolating mechanisms.

•Understand the direct evidences and conclusion from fossil record, indirect evidences, evidences from genetics, biogeographical relations.

BO 365: Advanced plant biotechnology •Students will Acquire knowledge about Biotechnology-concept and impact.

• Understand the basic principles of plant tissue culture. Able to learn the plant tissue culture techniques

• Acquirknowledge on Concept of plant tissue culture and cellular totipotency Basic techniques: Types of culture, Media preparation, sterilization, inoculation, incubation, hardening.

• To understand the Applications with reference to: Micropropagation, Somaclonal variation, Haploid production, Protoplast fusion & Somatic hybrids, Embryo rescue, Production of secondary metabolites.

• Students get knowledge on single cell protein, Methods of phytoremediation-Rhizofilteration, phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytovolatization, phytodegradation.

• Students learned about the Basics of plant genetic engineering Gene   Cloning. DNA electrophoresis, fragments, genetic engineering and nano -technology in gene

• Students get knowledge on Definition, Concept and types of Renewable and non-renewable energy sources Definition and concept of Biogas, Bioethanol, Biobutanol, Biodiesel

BO: 366 Plant Breeding and Seed Technology •Student will study the plant breeding methods.

• Student will get the knowledge about Hybridization & Tissue culture techniques.

• This course makes the students aware about objectives and methods of plant breeding and its role in improvement of crops.

• It also gives information about various crops developed through plant breeding and how the principles of plant breeding can be applied for further improvement of crops, disease resistance, stress tolerance etc.

• The paper is very helpful in further research and higher studies in agriculture science.

• Know about seed germination, processing, production.


BO: 367 Practical Based on BO. 361, BO. 362.


• Study the light intensity & bicarbonate concentration on evolution in photosynthesis.

Calculation of stomatal index & stomatal frequency of a mesophyte & xerophytes.

• Separation of amino acid by paper chromatography.

• Estimation of soluble proteins by Lowery et. al. method.

•Demonstration of Enzyme activity. Amylase/ invertase/catalase.

• Demonstration of Bolting Effect of auxins on rooting, R.Q.

• Qualitative tests for starch, lipids and proteins.

• Estimation of Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid) from plants


BO: 368 Practical Based on BO. 363, BO. 364.


•Study of Koch’s postulates.

• Study of any two fungal, bacterial, & mycoplasma, viral non-parasitic diseases of plants.

• Preparation of culture media for isolation of plant pathogens.

• Study of Geological time scale.

• Demonstration of any evidences of organic evolution.

• Numerical problem based on Hardy- Weinberg equilibrium.

• Numerical problem based on Allele frequency & genotype frequency.

BO: 369

Based on BO. 365, BO. 366.



• Preparation of MS medium.

• Problem on genetic engineering.

• Preparation of plant based nano particles.

• Production of secondary metabolites.

• Demonstration of Hybridisation techniques.

•Study of Transgenic plants.

•To test seed moisture by hot air oven method.

•To study germination method.


BO: 3610 Nursery & gardening management


•To study the concept of Nursery & its scope

•To study Seed structure & types seed dormancy causes & methods of breaking dormancy.

•To practices of Vegetative propagation; Air layering cutting collecting season.

•To understand the concept of Gardening,

•To learn about how to Sowing/ rising of seeds & seedlings.


BO:3611Biofertilisers •To discuss Scope & importance of bio fertilisers.

•To study the types of bio fertilisers

• Details study about Compost and Manure