Dr. B.P. Pagar, Dr. D. D. Lokhande and Dr. Jagdamba Singh Allahabad University, in Indian Science Congress January 2019
Guest Lecture on Inorganic Chemistry by Mr. Baban Padwal
Guest Lecture on Atomic Structure by Dr. Amol Kategaonkar
Guest Lecture on Analytical Chemistry by Mr. S. S. Tilak
Dr. Neeta Dabhade, OM Laboratory, Nashik delivered a lecture on Soil Analysis
Mr. D. S. Shinde, Mr. P.D. Dhondge, Dr. K. R. Labhade, Dr. B. P. Pagar and Dr. Neeta Dabhade (Visit to OM Laboratory, Nashik)
Mr. D. S. Shinde, Dr. K. R. Labhade Dr. B. P. Pagar and Dr. Neeta Dabhade (Visit to OM Laboratory, Nashik)
“Avishkar Margdarshan Shibir” 2015-16
Mr. Sunil Saundankar on delivered a lecture on the occasion of “Avishkar Margdarshan Shibir” 2016-17
One Student One Plant Programme, (Plant Distribution)
Food Adulteration Awareness Campaign at Janta High School Lahvit on 15th December 2018
Food Adulteration Awareness Campaign at Janta High School Lahvit on 15th December 2018
T.Y. B.Sc. Chemistry Students performing Practical
Principal Dr. V.J. Medhane on occasion of inauguration of Sate level Seminar on Conservation of Environment by Waste Management
Honourable Nanasaheb Mahale (Director, M.V.P. Samaj Nashik) on occasion of inauguration of Sate level Seminar on Conservation of Environment by Waste
Visit to “Vidnyan Yatra Train” at Nashik road Railway Station
Industrial Visit to Sahyadri Farms, Mohadi Nashik
Industrial Visit to Soma Vineyards on 26th February 2018
Dr. Kishor Chikhaliya from Veer Narmad South Gujarat University delivered a lecture on Stereochemistry for Undergraduate students
University Rank Holder (Miss Madhuri Ramesh Handore, 2017 batch stood 4th in TYBSC Chemistry of SPPU, Pune
T.Y. B.Sc. Student Felicitation
Prof. Dr. A.S. Kumbhar, Chairman, Board of studies in Chemistry, SPPU, Pune, on the occasion of S.Y. B. Sc. Syllabus Revision Workshop on 25th February 2020
Resource Persons, Participants, and Organising committee members on the occasion of S.Y. B. Sc. Syllabus Revision Workshop on 25th February 2020
Dr. V.B. Gaikwad, Member of Management Council, SPPU, Pune, on the occasion of S.Y. B.Sc. Syllabus Revision Workshop on 25th February 2020