///Botany Faculty Profile

Botany Faculty Profile

Number of teaching posts:
Sanctioned Filled
Teaching Posts (Aided) 05 2*
01 (Grant-CHB)
Non – Aided 02 (CHB)

[*Out of Total filled post: 01 Associate Professor and 01 Assistant Professor]


Staff Profile of the Department



Sr. No. Name of Teacher Educational Qualification Designation Specialization Teaching Experience
1. Prof. Dede L.D.

M.Sc., B.Ed.

Head & Assist. Professor Mychology & plant Patholgy 23 yrs.

[ Detail Profile ]

 Dr. Bhamare Mukta M. M.Sc.,B.Ed, NET, SET , Ph.D.  Asst. Professor Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding 14 Yrs

[ Detail Profile ]

3. Dr. Smt. V. P. Patil, M.Sc., Ph.D. Asst. Professor Phycology 08yrs.

[ Detail Profile ]

4. Aditya B. Bhagat, M.Sc. GATE Asst. Professor Angiosperm Taxonomy 5 yrs

[ Detail Profile ]

Number of academic support staff (technical) and administrative staff; sanctioned and filled
Number of Support Staff (Lab Assistant and Lab Attendant)
Sanctioned Filled
Lab Assistants 01 01
Lab Attendants 01 01


Participation of Staff in Administrative committees of the college
Sr. No Name Committee
1 Dr. S. A. Khairnar ·         NAAC Criterion-II

·         Campus Development

·         Parent teacher association

·         Admission

·         Affiliation and workload

·         Class Teacher / Mentor (T.Y.B.Sc.)

2 Dr. S.B. Andhale ·         CEO- Examination

·         NAAC Criterion-II

·         Campus Development

·         Nature club

·         Tour and Excursion

·         Admission and Roll Call

3 Dr. V.P. Patil ·         SWAYAM and MOOC

·         Counselling Cell

·         B.Voc/ Community college

·         Publicity

4 Mr. A.B. Bhagat ·         B.Voc/ Community college

·         NAAC Criterion-VII

·         Campus Development

·         Nature club

·         Alumni Association